
A paediatric occupational therapist helps a child with a wide ranging array of needs. An occupational therapist helps your child develop necessary skills to perform activities of daily living in a meaningful way. An occupational therapist makes your child as independent as possible in their day-to-day activities.
The main focus of an occupational therapist is on improving visual motor skills of the child, his hand-eye co-ordination, and developing the child’s balance, and movement. An occupational therapist often works with children who have been diagnosed with Autism, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), Asperser syndrome, Sensory processing disorder, visual motor skill difficulties, difficulties in writing, and in fine movements of hands.

Who can benefit from occupational therapy?

Children who are suffering from difficulties in performing daily activities in the following areas, can all benefit from occupational therapy a lot.

Self care

  • Dressing-undressing
  • Toileting & Self Hygiene
  • Movement & co-ordination
  • Posture and balancing of body
  • Hand –eye co-ordination
  • Sensory processing & modulation.
  • Handwriting
  • Planning and organising skills, at home or school.
What does occupational therapy entail at our centre?

We carry out a proper screening of the child. Our screening programme entails 1-2 sessions, where parents are involved. It mainly focusses on a play-based observation of the child. After the observation is done, we make a detailed report and suggest an intervention plan for the child.

Our intervention may include following session:

  • One-to-one occupational therapy sessions.
  • Group therapy sessions
  • Play therapy sessions
  • Home or school visit, in special cases
  • Individual home schooling programme
  • School occupational therapy programme

Paediatric physiotherapist works with children suffering from physical challenges in their day-to-day lives. The therapist also guides the family members on how to handle the child at home.
A paediatric physiotherapist treats a child suffering from physical disabilities in performing activities of daily living (ADL), gross motor and functional skills. A physiotherapist or physical therapist will use best-practice approaches, which are accepted worldwide. Our fully trained physiotherapists asses your child, and determine the therapy, basis some specific scale and a set of functional goals.

When your child need a physiotherapy?

A child suffering from any or all of the below physical difficulties will benefit from physical therapy intervention:
Delay In achieving any motor skill milestone such as head-controlling, turning, sitting, getting up from bed, rolling, crawling, standing, walking, etc.
Facing difficulty in riding a walker, bicycle, bike, etc.
Carrying stiffness in toes, hands, legs.
Having balance issues

Sensory integration therapy (SIT) aims to normalise the senses – if the senses are over-responsive, SIT will bring them down to normal levels and if under-responsive, SIT will bring them up. SIT works on senses namely touch, movement, body awareness, sight, sound, smell, taste, and pain.
Sensory integration (SI) is also called sensory processing and is related to the nervous system. Organising and interpreting of the information by brain, is called sensory integration. It provides crucial foundation for complex learning and behaviour patterns.
A child, or any person with SPD (Sensory Processing Difficulty) for that matter, finds it difficult to process and act upon information received through senses. It creates problems in performing daily tasks, behavioural problems, depression, anxiety and other impacts such as sensitivity to touch, movement, less or no reaction to sensory stimulation, etc.
It creates delay in speech, language, achieving appropriate motor skills, and hampers academic progress of the child. It renders the child with poor concept of self-esteem. As a result of SPD, a child may suffer from poor organisation skills & behavioural issues. Sensory difficulties disrupt day-to-day life of a person. Any child or adult suffering from sensory issues will benefit from Sensory Integration Therapy (SIT).

Infant stimulation usually translates to arousal or stimulation of a baby’s sense of sight, touch, taste, and smell. Infant stimulation works wonders in improving your baby’s curiosity, increasing the baby’s attention span, enhancing the memory and it also aids in the development of the nervous system of the baby.

Who is benefited with infant stimulation?

Any child below one year of age, with delay in development or a suspected high risk of global delay in development, will surely benefit from infant stimulation programme.

A new born who required NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) at birth, is at a risk of a number of developmental complications.

Who is benefited with early intervention
  • A new born suffering from any or all of the below problems, will benefit from an early intervention programme....
  • Developmental delay
  • Specific health conditions such as a genetic disorder, any physical birth defect, lack of hearing, etc.

Children suffering from learning disabilities, Autism, ADHD, experience difficulties in performing well in academics. At Rama Singh Shatrajeet Singh Sensory Integration, Rehabilitation and Research Centre, we provide ergonomic solutions for such children. We visit a child’s school, and observe the physical environment around the child, and we try to eliminate the physical challenges in the environment, by modifying its certain aspects in a child friendly manner. For example, we would install a ramp for a child with walking disability or a special chair to help a child sit up straight.
We identify ergonomic challenges present in the classroom environment and provide solutions which improve a child’s posture and enhance his/her ability to focus on learning. Such solutions promote enhanced inclusion of such children at in the school.

Dr. Bhartendra vikram singh is well trained to design creative & innovative splints, orthosis, tools and equipment specific to a problem. At Rama Singh Shatrajeet Singh Sensory Integration, Rehabilitation, and Research Centre, we provide well known hand splints and orthosis, the best in the country.

Our equipment includes:
  • Foot plate (shoe inset)
  • Various hand splints (static & dynamic)
  • Night splints
  • Adaptive devices
  • Sensory integration equipment such as platform swing, T-swing, frog swing, trampoline, slides, etc.

Our experts counsel a child with emotional problems or behavioural issues. Psychological counselling is to stimulate the behavioural, emotional and social development of the child. Our main goal through counselling is, to resolve problems that affect the personal and family life of a child and to improve the overall well-being of the child.

When does your child need counselling sessions?
A child having any of the following difficulties may require counselling sessions from our experts:
  • Not being able to answer a question
  • Bed-wetting
  • No social smile.
  • Having daily working and behavioural issues due to Poor IQ
  • Excessive crying.
  • Lake of confidence.
  • Aversion to crowded places.
  • Socially unacceptable body movements such as flapping of hands, nodding of head, rubbing genital area, etc.
  • Failure to achieve a basic level in academics

Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) entails a lot of techniques to first understand, and then change or modify, the behaviour of a child. It is a very flexible approach of treatment. ABA therapy is very adaptive, to meet the unique needs of an individual. We provide ABA at home and at school too. Through ABA, we inculcate skills which are useful in daily life. An ABA session can be a one-to-one teaching session or it can be a group instruction session, as per the requirement of the child.

Goal of ABA treatment lie in the following work areas:
  • Communication &language
  • Social skill
  • ADL and self-care
  • Motor skills
  • Learning & academic skill
  • Cognitive skills
  • Social, emotional & functional living skills

Group therapy is very beneficial for children suffering from social anxiety, poor social skills, and lack of attention. It may also prove useful for children struggling with any grief, bullying anxiety, depression, and similar mental health issues.
In group therapy sessions, a child has an opportunity to work on improving certain skills such as communication, academic skills, group sharing, attention, interaction with others, along with other similar kids in the room – skills which otherwise he would not have learnt or developed in an individual therapy session.

How can your child benefit from group therapy?
  • It builds self-confidence in the child.
  • It improves assertiveness in the child
  • It helps the child in managing negative emotions and working through stress & anxiety.
After a certain number of group therapy sessions
  • Your child starts greeting people – saying Hi and Hello very confidently
  • Starts saying goodbye when parting
  • Starts managing emotional stress better
  • He/she feels heard, and supported
  • He/she gains communication skills which last a life time

Speech therapy refers to the treatment of language disorders and speech problems, such as not being able to speak, limited speech, non-contextual speech, etc. If your child is facing difficulty in putting words together to make a sentence or difficulty in producing sounds, he/she may benefit heavily from speech therapy. A speech therapist is someone who deeply understands the development of human communication, who knows what exactly speech disorder is. He is someone who knows how to use proper techniques to make your child communicate more effectively.

When does your child need speech therapy?
When a child experiences any of the below problems, he/she might need a speech therapist:
  • Stammering or stumbling over words
  • Having inaccurate speech (apraxia, dysarthria, etc.)
  • He/she struggles with verbal & non-verbal communication skills

Special education forms the backbone of the development of a child suffering from autism, ADHD, etc. It caters to activities of daily living & academic curriculum. Proper targets are set by a special educator. Under special education, your child receives personalised learning. A special educator will target all the improvement areas of your child with all the resources and equipment at his/her disposal, thus ensuring an all-round development of the child.
At our centre, experienced special educators will focus on your child’s strengths as well as his/her challenges. At the same time, you will be an integral part of the process to ensure that your child progresses well and fast, in academics as well as in other aspects of life.

When does your child need special education?

Any child with learning disabilities might face problems in reading, writing, listening, speaking, reasoning, and in doing maths.
Some other common learning issues in children include:

  • Dyslexia: difficulty in speaking, reading, writing, and spelling words.
  • Dyscalculia: difficulty in doing maths problems, understanding the concept of time, concept of money and difficulty in remembering facts related to maths.
  • Dysgraphia: difficulty in speaking, hand writing, and organising ideas.
  • Dyspraxia: difficulty in hand-eye coordination, balance, applying fine motor skills.
  • Auditory processing disorder: difficulty in interpreting what the ears hear (different from having a hearing impairment).
  • Visual processing issues: difficulty in interpreting what the eyes see (different from having a visual impairment.

Geriatrics is a medical sub-specialty that constitutes care of the elderly. Older people often have complex medical needs, such as multiple chronic diseases, and these needs require a team approach. Occupational therapy is one of the strategies used to help older people remain as functionally independent as possible, at home and in community assisted living situations.
An Occupational therapist develops an individual plan of care for an elderly, based on his physical and environmental assessment. For example, a patient who had a stroke may need to learn how to transfer oneself from wheel chair to shower chair and bathe. An occupational therapist can also help the elderly who had suffered a partial paralytic attack, to carry out daily routine activities such as cooking, doing laundry, eating with one hand, etc. Occupational therapist also teaches new ways and techniques to participating patients, and make recommendations based on overall assessment of the patient to maintain or improve function and quality of life.
At our centre, we assess, advise on, and treat a wide range of medical conditions and/or situations including dementia, falls, fracture, musculoskeletal complaints, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, Parkinson's disease, and stroke. Services provided under each of these conditions or situations are listed below:

Dementia:-Exercise classes can promote enhanced mental activity, joint mobility, muscle strength, and balance.
Fracture:- Pre-operative and post-operative management. Some common fractures include broken hip, knee, ankle, wrist, etc.
Musculoskeletal conditions:- We treat low back pain, neck pain, knee pain, hip pain, and pain in other joints, ligaments and muscles.
Falls:- If your family member or relative has had an unexpected fall, our expert can help them improve their muscle strength and balance.www
Osteoporosis:- if you are suffering from weakened bones, our curated exercise programme can help you gain strength in the muscles of the back. We encourage weight bearing and aerobic activities, both of them bring about an increase in bone density.
Osteoarthritis & Arthritic condition:- We assess painful joints and advise on how to maintain joint movement & strength. We also help the patient with pain management. We prepare a curated activity schedule for the patient. We also work on improving gait pattern in an arthritis patient.
Parkinson's disease:-At our centre, we also work with Parkinson's disease patients. Our uniquely designed exercise regime can help improve arm function, achieve a better posture, better walking, and improves balance in a patient. This intervention can make movements easier, safer, and motor controlled, in a Parkinson’s patient.
Stroke:-We use Bobath approach to treat paralysis, muscle spasm, postural control loss, and functional difficulties that your family member might suffer from, after a stroke.